Enjoy Convenient Title and Registration Assistance
If you have any questions on registering a vehicle, renewing your plates, or a title transfer, you've come to the right place.
Get the answers you need to make sure your vehicle is legal. Your registration will be done right the first time by coming to us.
You'll Love Our Quick and Low-Cost Services
There are no hassles and no waiting; your title and registration needs will be done on the spot. Come in for your FREE quote
and $5 OFF your title transfer.
Guaranteed service in 10 minutes or less! Call 520-296-2027 for your FREE quote.
Receive a FREE Quote On
Title transfers
Vehicle and trailer transfers
Lost plates and registration
On and off-site inspections
Lien filing
Registration renewals
Specialty plates
Bonded and abandoned titles
Restored salvage titles
Mobile home titles
Handicap placards
Motor vehicle records
Mailing services and much more
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre el registro de un vehículo, renovar sus placas, o una transferencia de título, has venido al lugar correcto.
Obtenga las respuestas que necesita para asegurarse de que su vehículo es legal. Su registración será hecha correctamente la primera vez al venir a nosotros.
Te va a Encantar Nuestros Servicios RáPido Y EconóMico
Sin molestias y sin mucho que esperar, su título y registro se harán rápido. Venga para su estimado GRATIS y $5 de descuento en transferencia de título.
Reciba Un Estimado GRATIS En
Transferencias de título
Transferencias de vehículos y remolques
Placas y registro
Inspecciones fuera de sitio
Renovaciones de registro
Placas especiales
Títulos abandonados
Títulos restaurados
Títulos de casa móvil
Tablillas de hándicap
Registros de vehículos de motor
Servicios de reenvío y mucho más
Visit Arizona Auto License for a title transfer today!
5819 E Speedway Blvd
"We came here (Midvale Park location) to transfer the title of a car we were buying. The staff member was very knowledgeable, professional, and efficient. We were in and out incredibly quickly, and if we had attempted this at the DMV, we could have waited hours. The rates were very reasonable. I would definitely recommend this establishment as an authorized third party for the Arizona DMV."